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Contact Person Registration

The contact person should be the sole proprietor or otherwise one of the shareholders with 25% or more of the shares/directors/partners of the company. After you register as the contact person, you can check the progress of your business banking account opening, and the bank may also contact you to enquire or confirm relevant matters;
Company Type
Eligibility for Application
  • 1. The Company must be registered and operating in Hong Kong;
  • 2. Tax resident of Hong Kong only;
  • 3. All shareholders and directors must hold a valid Hong Kong Identity Card;
  • 4. All shareholders and directors must be natural persons and not a company or other types of legal persons;
  • 5. There shall not be more than 4 shareholders and directors;
  • 6. All shareholders and directors must be aged 18 or above.
    Note: Apart from the above requirements, your remaining application process may transferred offline due to other considerations. By that time, our Relationship Manager will contact you.
Contact Person Information
Last Name
The name should be the same as on the Hong Kong Identity Card
First Name
HKID No. (Prefix and 3 digits,e.g A123)
Business Email Address
Email OTP
Mobile Number
Please make sure your mobile number is correct for identification purposes
As the applicant for this business account application (i.e. contact person), I confirm that I am one of the connected parties of the applying company. I represent and warrant that I have the power and am authorized by the legal entity or party (the applicant / company) that I represent to access this site to apply for a business account, to provide any information, documentation and confirmation necessary for the application and to access related services on the company's behalf, and agree ZA Bank Limited to verify the same from any source it may deem fit. I agree to the terms set out in ZA Bank Limited’s Privacy Policy Statement, Personal Information Collection Statement, Conditions of Use of Website, General Account Terms and Conditions, Business Banking Tariff and notice relating to Deposit Protection Scheme. I also agree that only electronic statements and advices will be provided by default by ZA Bank Limited, and ZA Bank Limited may charge a fee for future requests for paper statements or advices. I acknowledge incomplete applications will be retained by the bank for at most 90 days and all the provided information and documents will be deleted afterwards.I acknowledge and agree that a fee of HKD 1,500 will be charged for opening a Business Banking account online.
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