Notice of Amendment to “Fees and Charges Guide for Investment Services”
(Effective from 20 November 2024)
We are updating the “Fees and Charges Guide for Investment Services” (“Fees and Charges Guides”), which will be effective from 20 November 2024. While this may sound like another boring update, please take a few minutes to carefully read through this notice to better protect your interests.
Amendments to the Fees and Charges Guides are listed below:
Securities Services (US Securities)
Please note that the amendments will be legally binding on you if you do not terminate the Securities Services (US Securities) before 20 November 2024. If you decline to accept the amendments, you have the right to terminate using the services according to the relevant provisions under ZA Bank’s Terms and Conditions for Investment Services.
Please feel free to get in touch with us through the ZA Bank App if you need any assistance.
ZA Bank