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Here are all the “Currency Exchange” related questions
What currencies are currently supported for exchange in Business Internet Banking?How can I place currency exchange from ZA Bank Business Internet Banking / check today's latest exchange rate?Is there any cut-off time for currency exchange in Business Internet Banking?Are direct exchanges between foreign currencies e.g. USD/CNY available?Why has my currency exchange transaction failed?How long does the currency exchange take?Are there any handling fees for currency exchange in Business Internet Banking?Is there a daily limit on the number of transactions?How can I check the exchange rates of previous currency exchange transactions in Business Internet Banking?Can I know the exchange rate of the previous transaction on the monthly statement?Is it possible to know the exchange rate performance in the last month?Is the RMB exchange rate offshore or onshore?I can see a pop-up screen for [Consent to the User Profile for Business Internet Banking Approvers and Approval Authorisation on Currency Exchange Transactions] when I click on the [FX] menu in Business Internet Banking. What does it mean?I can see a pop-up screen for [Important Note] when I click on the [FX] menu in Business Internet Banking. What does it mean?After I have signed the Business Internet Banking User Administration Form, when I can use the FX service?The Operator and the Administrator cannot see the [FX] menu. Why?Can I exclude a selected Approver from using the FX service?How to check the buy and sell FX rates of currency exchange service in ZA Bank Business Internet Banking?Are the buying and selling FX rates of currency exchange service the same?