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Here are all the “Insurance” related questions
Which kind of insurance products are available at ZA Bank (App)?
What is the relation between ZA Bank and ZA Insure?
How to apply for an insurance policy of ZA Insure with the Bank’s mobile App?
How to view the purchased policy details through the ZA Bank App?
How to pay the initial and monthly premium of ZA Insure insurance policies?
What are the payment frequency options for the premium payment?
Can I make a premium payment for ZA Insure’s policy(ies) with other Bank’s credit card?
What should I do if my payment is failed for the automatic debit payment for my insurance policy applied via ZA Bank?
Can I cancel the policy after my application?
How can I submit a claim?
How do I update my contact details of my insurance policies?
Why cannot I see the policies I purchased via ZA Insure?
What happens to my insurance policy applied via ZA Bank if I forget to pay the premium?
Why do I get a call from ZA Insure or Generali Life (Hong Kong) customer service after I have purchased the insurance policy?
What is the relation between ZA Bank and Generali Life (Hong Kong) Limited?
How to apply for an insurance policy of Generali Life (Hong Kong) with the Bank’s mobile App?
Who can I apply for ZA VHIS as an insured person?
How to apply for an insurance product?
How do I know my insurance application submitted successfully?
Do I have to perform body check for insurance application of ZA Insure’s products?
How long it takes for ZA Insure’s application?
Can I apply ZA Insure’s products via phone call or face-to-face meeting?
What if I lost my policy, will the policy be lapsed? Will it affect the claim process?
How do I change the policy beneficiary(ies)?
Can I have an insurance agent to follow-up with my ZA Insure policy?
How can I enjoy tax deduction after applying ZA VHIS?
Can I purchase more than one ZA Insure policy?
What is policy replacement?
Is there any restriction on the choice of hospitals and doctors under ZA VHIS by ZA Insure?