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How to repay my ZA Salary?

We will auto-debit your ZA Salary amount every month from your ZA savings account on the 7th day after your ZA Payday (i.e. last day of interest-free period). If the selected ZA Payday is not available that month (29th-31st), ZA Payday will be moved up to the last day of that month. Auto-repayment date is fixed to the 7th day after ZA Payday. The date may be adjusted according to different months. Please ensure you have enough balance in your ZA savings account for auto-repayment to avoid interest incurred.

If you are not able to repay on the 7th days after ZA Payday, interest will be incurred afterward. You are required to repay a minimum repayment on the payment due date as indicated in the monthly statement. You may refer to the FAQ regarding the interest for more details.

You can also repay manually anytime: Login to ZA Bank App > "Account" > "Salary FastPass" > "Settings" on the top right corner > "Repayment"

If you need further assistance,feel free to online chat with us
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